Comments on: Project Massive Darkscore II The Audio Spotlight is a hub that highlights composers, sound designers and other audio professionals from around the world, provides you with behind the scenes footage from game and film industry and keeps you up-to-date with the latest sample libraries and job opportunities. Thu, 02 Aug 2012 11:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Bowdler Thu, 02 Aug 2012 11:46:00 +0000 Hi Dither. Well, I’m happy to see it happen. Sounds are sounds, every synth has presets, I consider it very flattering when I hear mine in a track. People excel at different things and I’ve no qualms about composers using my sounds if that is not their forte. I certainly bring vocalists into my projects rather than have the ignominy of my own tone deaf voice turn up!

With the the loops, it’s kinda the same thing. I expect them to be used by people who aren’t that good at programming percussion but need it to augment what they are good at.

If someone made a track by just repeating some drumloops of mine with some arps/sequences I’ve designed, well, that’s their lookout. You can’t fool yourself in this business. I don’t ‘get’ construction kits, personally, so would never create one even if I thought it was lucrative. But they are used. Who am I to judge?

By: Dither Tue, 31 Jul 2012 20:58:00 +0000 How does it feel hearing your sounds (or should we even say small musical compositions in the case of loops) being used by other musicians? Of course you’ve been compensated for the use, but how does it feel in terms of artistic values in the context where your ideas are being used? I view commercial sample and loop packs purely as a business, which has consumers that are being targeted, but I’ve always thought about what it feels like as an artist when you hear how others put your idea and your creations to use for their own creations. It could be nice to see that you’ve offered someone something, which has helped them to create something else, but at the same time, I personally don’t know, if I could not feel like it could/would be used in an unoriginal, lazy way, even though you’ve received compensation for the use. Of course (illegal) sampling has always been commonplace, but the situation is slightly different when we talk about totally self-produced and self-defined material and especially completed loops and presets instead of just one-hits.
