
In the Spotlight

Red Ochsenbein interview

Find something you really love doing. If you found it, stick to it no matter how crazy it might seem. Just do whatever makes you happy… Every second lost is lost forever, you never get it back.

Jonas Frederik interview

Creating opportunities for yourself like contacting up-and-coming film directors can do wonders for your career if they like what you do, so keep at it, and keep creating music, demos and stuff people can listen to.

Stephan Römer interview

Work hard, never rest on your oars, listen, constantly work on your skills, never give up because sometimes opportunities arise by coincidence and always be your toughest critic.

Elspeth Eastman interview

Don’t use the words “epic” or “emotional” in your music titles – not everyone will think your music is epic or emotional, so give your songs a unique title people will remember.

Marc Lawson interview

I find that the composer and sound design community is one of the most supportive I have seen in the music world. Get engaged in that community and you will find everything you need.