Official website
iTunes “Christmas Eve” album
Amazon “Christmas Eve” album
Brief list of credits
Christmas Eve, Just go with it, Grown ups, Here comes the boom
Tell us a little about yourself and what you do for a living?
I am a film/television composer. Which means I wear many hats: composer, producer, midi programmer, midi orchestrator, recording engineer, mixing engineer, sampling guru, software wizard and all around audio & technology geek.
What is your niche or speciality, that makes you stand out from rest of the audio professionals?
I think my niche is my hybrid approach to my scores. I’m always trying to incorporate “out of the box” ideas and instruments on each score. No matter what kind of film I’m scoring I’m going to try and put a unique spin on the genre.
Can you give us a brief summary of the equipment you use regularly?
I run 4 Mac Pros. The first is running my DAW (Cubase). The second is running my orchestra samples in Vienna Ensemble Pro. The third is running as a reverb slave so I can print stems in one pass. The fourth is my video machine, running another copy of Cubase connected to the first via VST system link.
What are your go-to plug-ins and software? (virtual instruments, audio processing etc.)
Everything by Izotope, Slate Digital, Sound Toys, UAD, Native Instruments, 8dio, Heavyocity, LASS, Cinesamples, Output and Audio Imperia.
When do you find you are most creative?
When all of the software and gear work and my mind can just flow un-interrupted. Every crash or buzzing phone can really destroy my creativity. I often turn of all notifications (phones, computers, etc.) so I can just focus.
What is your usual process for creating audio content for games, films etc.?
I try to tackle the biggest, most important cues first. Those are going to influence the rest of the score.
Are there any particular secrets to your creativity?
Ha! A composer never tells… no really, no secrets, just hours and years of hard work. You’ve got to be in it for the long haul. Never let anything be normal. Experiment. Play with the panning. dd a delay. Double the part with an unpredictable instrument. Just keep pushing your boundaries.
Do you have any audio creation techniques that resulted in something interesting?
I have a send to a 100% wet delay that then goes to a reverb and creates a really nice dreamy quality to anything you run through it, piano, plucked guitars.
Any specific “lessons learned” on a project that you could share?
Client service. As a “commissioned” artist you are in the service industry. You are providing a creative service, but it is still a service. You’ve got to do your best to communicate and make your client happy.
Any tips, hints or motivational speeches for the readers?
If I can do it, anyone can : )