Pasi is more than just a man from Finland with video game and movie addictions. He is also a TIGA award-winning sound designer and composer with versatility and passion. Pasi currently works as a sound designer at Rovio Entertainment Ltd.
This season, Ric Viers and the Detroit Chop Shop interns will produce a new superhero sound effects library called "Heroes & Villains" for Blastwave FX.
Dan Worrall explains the concept of mid/side stereo processing, discusses its uses using examples with the built-in mid/side processing in FabFilter plug-ins.
Learn a programming language! Practice problem solving! These are the abilities that can truly differentiate you from everyone else trying to get the same jobs.
If it’s your passion, don’t give up. That’s the one thing that has paid off for me is I knew that I couldn’t do anything else and I was meant to do this.
William Friedkin, Steven Spielberg’s Sound Designers Gary Rydstrom and Randy Thom, and Hitchcock biographer Donald Spoto look at the maestro’s use of sound to create chills in his films.
Once you learn how to make a space ship sound out of a piece of paper, making other sounds becomes easier and you can make them more creative and original.