Never listen to anyone, do your own thing, don’t listen to me either. If you need motivation from someone, just give up now….it needs to come from yourself. ~ Jason Cushing, SoundMorph
Dan Worrall explains the concept of mid/side stereo processing, discusses its uses using examples with the built-in mid/side processing in FabFilter plug-ins.
Dan Worrall explains various uses of side-chain filtering in compressors, using FabFilter Pro-C and its Expert section. The tutorial discusses compressing subgroups/busses and the master bus but also gives some tips and tricks about single channel compression of vocals, guitars, bass and drums.
Your education gets 80% of its value from you: the diploma isn't going to get you any jobs. Get involved, make connections, and participate deeply in your education or you'll walk out of school with nothing but a poster and debt.
Always be open to new styles and diversify, but be REALLY good at a couple styles. Always study music when you’re able, with a teacher or on your own; you’re never too old to do that! Often, artists can feel like they’ve hit a plateau. Those are great times to scrap the way you do things, and learn other ways.
The most important thing is to find your sound. You may have to make compromises in the beginning but people hire composers for a certain aspect they love of their sound. Be yourself, take risks.
Always max out your potential. Focus on what you are good at and make that your best skill. Try to be innovative instead of just technical and think out of the box.