How fantastic sound design for Killzone: Shadow Fall was made. An interview with Anton Woldhek. Pasi Pitkänen March 26, 2014 Featured, Sound Designers Be an active member of your professional community especially when you’re starting out but also as you get more experienced.
How Horizon Zero Dawn’s amazing 3D audio was created Zdravko Djordjevic September 4, 2017 Game Audio Interesting Playstation 4 feature on how Horizon Zero Dawn’s 3D audio was created.
The ultimate collection of game audio interviews, articles and videos Zdravko Djordjevic June 13, 2017 Featured, Game Audio, Inspiration Whether you are a looking to get into game audio or pro looking for some inspiration or tips, this article gathers some of the finest game articles.
The sound design secrets of Horizon Zero Dawn Zdravko Djordjevic June 5, 2017 Game Audio This video is all about the incredible work put into the sounds of Horizon Zero Dawn.