Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (Januar) Zdravko Djordjevic January 20, 2016 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We look at the promising SFX libraries in Januar (2016) edition of indie roundup.
Indie roundup: TAS choice awards Zdravko Djordjevic December 30, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research To conclude this amazing year we will give out some recognition (TAS choice awards) awards that we feel were well deserved.
Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (December) Zdravko Djordjevic December 22, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We look at the promising SFX libraries in December edition of indie roundup.
The Indie Roundup: Best selling SFX libraries of 2015 Zdravko Djordjevic December 16, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research In part one of Indie Roundup we look at the Best selling SFX libraries of 2015.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (November) Zdravko Djordjevic November 10, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in November edition of indie roundup.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (October) Zdravko Djordjevic October 14, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in Octobers edition of indie roundup.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (September) Zdravko Djordjevic September 22, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in September edition of indie roundup.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (August) Zdravko Djordjevic August 4, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in August edition of indie roundup.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (July) Zdravko Djordjevic July 1, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in July edition of indie roundup.
The indie roundup: SFX libraries (June) Zdravko Djordjevic June 5, 2015 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We pick promising SFX libraries in June edition of indie roundup.