Indie Sound effects roundup: May 2017 Zdravko Djordjevic May 25, 2017 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In the latest indie sound effects roundup we look at the latest releases from various field recordists.
Indie Sound effects roundup: April 2017 Zdravko Djordjevic April 28, 2017 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this sound effects roundup we take a look at the latest sound effects libraries. There has been a lot of great releases in the past month.
Indie Sound effects roundup: March 2017 Zdravko Djordjevic March 24, 2017 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this roundup we look at the latest sound effects libraries released in February and March. Plenty of interesting sounds in this one.
Indie Sound effects roundup: February 2017 Zdravko Djordjevic February 17, 2017 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this sound effects roundup we look at the latest sound effects releases. Plenty of goodies inside. Check it out here at The Audio Spotlight.
Indie Sound effects roundup: January 2017 Zdravko Djordjevic January 20, 2017 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this indie sound effects roundup we look at the latest sound effects libraries released in the end of December and beginning of January.
The all new Pro Tips roundup Zdravko Djordjevic September 30, 2016 Featured, Opinions and research In this new roundup series, I asked a couple of professionals from audio community to share a professional tip from their everyday life.