Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (November) Zdravko Djordjevic December 16, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this sound effects roundup we take a look at the latest releases in November and early December.
Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (September & October) Zdravko Djordjevic October 20, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this sound effects indie roundup we look at some of the interesting sound effects libraries released in September and October.
Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (September) Zdravko Djordjevic September 19, 2016 Featured In Septembers indie roundup we gathered a collection of very interesting sound effects libraries released recently. Check it out.
Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (August) Zdravko Djordjevic August 9, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this indie roundup we look at some of the newest sound effects releases. This indie roundup features various ambiences and few materials and texture sfx.
Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (July) Zdravko Djordjevic July 15, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases In this indie sound effects roundup we look at last and this months libraries. Check it out this great set of sound effects libraries.
Indie roundup: Sound Effects Libraries (June) Zdravko Djordjevic June 17, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases Man were May and June crazy with a lot of cool new sound effects libraries. Check out this months sound effects indie roundup.
Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (May) Zdravko Djordjevic May 13, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We look at the promising SFX libraries in May (2016) edition of indie roundup.
Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (April) Zdravko Djordjevic April 11, 2016 Featured, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We look at the promising SFX libraries in April (2016) edition of indie roundup.
Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (March) Zdravko Djordjevic March 14, 2016 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (March)
Indie roundup: SFX Libraries (Februar) Zdravko Djordjevic February 12, 2016 Featured, Opinions and research, SFX roundups, Sound effects releases We look at the promising SFX libraries in Februar (2016) edition of indie roundup.