33 Fun & Naughty But Serious Questions For an Extraordinary Relationship

Sometimes we need to face the naked truth about who we are in our relationship so that we can better serve our aspirations. Book 4 is all about asking the right questions about who you are in your relationship.

If you were a book, would your partner be intrigued by what is found between your covers or would he or she just want to put you back on the book shelf after reading a few pages of you?

So what is between your covers, under your own skin, in your soul, that make you interesting and revealing – character traits, aspirations, needs, knowledge, etc?

How comfortable are you about and with your own self?

How secure do you feel in your own skin, literally and otherwise?

Going through these questions will give you a real and true sense of who you are in your relationship and you may just be very surprised at your answers.

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