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Those of us who choose to be in an intimate relationship have one thing in common – we all want a great relationship. We want to wake up every day feeling as if we are loved, appreciated, cherished and that we in turn play a huge role helping our partner feel the same way. So how do we get to that place? Do we just get there because it is in us to have great relationships with these characteristics, or those of us who do, just luck into it?
The answer is no, and no. We do not just get there because it is ingrained in us, or because of luck. We get there from creating exactly what it is we want our relationship to look and feel like.
That means knowing ourselves. That means knowing what is really in our hearts. That means knowing what it takes to fulfill our heart-felt desires. That mean being motivated sufficiently do want to do something about these desires.
Great relationships start with great aspirations. If your aspirations for your relationship are ho-hum in nature, then that is exactly the kind of relationship you are going to have.
In order to have a great relationship you have to nurture your own aspirations for what your relationship must mean to you and what it must mean to your partner. You will not find a better starting point for your relationship.
Once you are satisfied that your aspirations are strong and worthy of your support, you must go about removing all the beliefs you have about relationships that would get in the way of you being able to fulfill these aspirations.
The truth of the matter is that our cultural notions have left us filled with too many erroneous beliefs that we bring right into the process of building an intimate relationship. The result is we end up with what our cultural notions would have us believe would make us happy and not with the happiness from our own aspirations.
In book 1 of the Bikini Relationship Rescue series, I identify 5 beliefs that could be killing or suffocating your relationship and show you how to get rid of them. Using the same approach with my own marriage, I was able to take my relationship with my husband from frustration to the every-day “Oh I love you so much” kind of feeling.
You too can have these days, you too can have your heart-felt desires met, you too can have the relationship of your dreams, but you have to have the right notions about what this relationship should be like and get rid of the beliefs that would prevent you from getting there.
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Peta Jane Kayes
MBA - Human Resources Management, Author, mother, wife, my passion is relationships and healthy living.