Scarfs have been around for centuries, so what does a scarf has to do with intrigue in your relationship? And why do you need intrigue in your relationship anyway? Second…
Taking care of you in your relationship should be on your agenda every day. No, you should not be selfish. On the contrary you should see taking care of you…
How important is it to you to be your genuine self in your relationship? Be genuine and be natural. You cannot suspend parts of yourself so that you can be…
How good are you in taking care of you? Simple question, right? Well, you would be surprised at how many of us just do not pay attention to taking care…
Romantic jealousy is first and foremost about a lack of trust. Jealousy in relationships is a major factor in undermining trust in relationships. Work at building trust in your relationship…
Being in love is one of the most exhilarating feelings that a human being can experience. And I mean being in love. Not just loving someone and not being sure…
There is a very important lesson about building trust in a relationship. This lesson is – you have to engage at a level that gives an abundance of material to…
The ego can be very insidious in your relationship. As it convinces you that it is acting in your best interest, it is really acting in its own best interest….
What does it take to have an extraordinary relationship? Maybe a little more giving and a little less taking. But in order to give more of ourselves we have to…
We all have romantic expectations in our relationship, and that’s quite to be expected. But too many times we do things to dampen those expectations and their effects. In short,…
Why are the sparks in your relationship brightest at the start?
A girl-friend of mine was recently told “You are not marriage material.” She was told this by someone who said she meant well, but one has to wonder. Did she?…
Do you believe that relationships are hard? I hope not. If you do your relationship is going to be hard. I used to have that believe. Oh, relationships are hard,…
Understanding relationships and how we relate to them is important in you getting the best from yours. If there is one lesson that was instrumental and pivotal in transforming my…
What does it mean to have a monogamous relationship? What is monogamy? Here are some definitions: The practice or state of being married to one person at a time; the…
One of the most damaging things that we have done to the ‘institution’ of intimate relationships is to use ‘making love’ as a euphemism for “sexual intercourse.” In reality, making…
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question of what it is you are giving in your relationship? You may be saying, “Of course I don’t, that’s silly, I…
Those of us who choose to be in an intimate relationship have one thing in common – we all want a great relationship. We want to wake up every day…
You know, we have all heard the phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater”, and for those who have been guilty of cheating or being unfaithful in their intimate relationship,…
Trust building should be a deliberate process and exercise of any long-term committed relationship. Going through the process of transforming my marriage, I saw that I really had an inadequate…